lifetime Online income strategy

Zero investment lifetime income strategy

This si my personal trick to earn money 
For lifetime without doing any work

Bitcoin earning strategy

 1.First download brave brower
 2.start your brave brower and type
 On Google brave publisher
 3.make account here and creat
 YouTube channel and connect with
 Brave publisher
 4.go to Google and type Shane's tool
 5.drag and drop on your brower bookmark
 6.go to YouTube and search how to scrabe
 7.when you gain knowledge scrabe email
 8.when you connect your YouTube channel
 With brave publisher
 9.your refrall link come on mail
 10.copy your refrall link and send all
How much you earn from brave brower
You earn 7 dollar per month per refrall
When your refrall invite someone you earn
5 dollar etc you earn more and more level
5 refrall comission

If we can earn on brave brower without doing
Yes you earn on brave brower without doing
Refrall you can view add and can browse site and earn.

Why we use brave brower 

Brave brower is fast then chrome and another brower and this is block ads

How to get withdraw
Creat uphold account and connect on brave
Note:use every day to received reward
Condition:use 30 days
You can earn more than 1 Bitcoin


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