how to Earn on Fiverr without doing any project

how to Earn on Fiverr without doing any project

Fiverr passive income strategy

 1.go to Facebook
 2.join group earn money online
 Related group
 3.send friend request of group member


Go Google docs and write something
aboutFiverr earning trick and save
 you can also learn
 about on YouTube
 a)go to fiverr and creat account
 b)go to Google and download Fiverr
 Payment proof images
 c) upload every day on Facebook
 d)when you upload the pictures on
 Facebook write this:a free ebook change my
 life if you want write your Gmail on comment below
e)when people comment their Gmail
Send him document which you can make
On Google docs and your Fiverr refrall

How much you earn from Fiverr
Fiverr pay you comission when your
Friends sale

You create lifetime passive income
Most important tips
1.share your post every day on Facebook
2.Don't join more than 10 group perday
3.learn everyday about Fiverr earning trick


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